Income Tax Calculator

Use our income tax Calculators to estimate your tax liability based on your income in any country around the world. Get a good idea of how much you may owe to be able to plan your finances in a better way using our income tax calculator.

By state

Choose any of the following calculators. All enable you to know your effective income tax rate in any state of your preference.

By Country

Choose any of the following calculators. Calculate your effective income tax rate in a chosen country.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Progressive income tax uses graduated, increasing tax rates that apply to different income brackets. Here is a hypothetical example. Income tax in a random country is divided into brackets, like 0-$10k, $10k-40k, etc. Each bracket has a tax rate that increases as income rises. For example: 10% for 0-$10k and 15% for $10k-$40k and 25% for $40k-$85k. You calculate progressive income tax by applying the rate for each bracket only to the income in that bracket. So for $60k income, the progressive tax income will be 10% of first $10k and 15% of next $30k and 25% of remaining $20k. This will result in a total tax of $10,500.

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